Climate Action Plan
Setting climate goals.
Reducing your carbon footprint.
Companies globally face significant challenges associated with climate change, including physical impacts and supply chain disruption, but also increasingly new regulatory requirements and reputational risk.
Companies, governments, and other organizations are responding to the effects of climate change by reducing GHG emissions and setting reduction targets, often aligned with Net Zero.
At Sama Sustainability, we help you establish a GHG Emissions Baseline, set Science-based Targets, and develop an actionable plan to achieve your emissions reductions goals. Our comprehensive Climate Action Plans align with regulatory and customer requirements and provide a transparent roadmap for communication and risk management.
Our Approach
Quantify your carbon footprint with GHG Accounting
We evaluate your organization's GHG emissions within your own facilities as well as upstream and downstream in your value chain. Analyzing Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions provides you with a clear baseline to measure your progress and identifies the biggest areas of opportunity for GHG reduction.
Establish Targets
and Communicate Goals
We help you develop Science-Based Targets for GHG Reduction, both near-term and long-term. We assist in communicating these goals to key stakeholders, ensuring you are both regulatory compliant and meeting the needs of your customers.
Identify Emissions Reductions Opportunities
We work with you to identify opportunities for emissions reduction, including energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and supplier engagement, capturing opportunities for cost savings along the way.